Age: Forever 25
Hight: Six feet tall
Weight: 125 lb
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Build: Slender
Abilities: Now lets talk over the powers every one thinks vampires have.
Immortal: Has long as no one kills me. And some do not even see this as living any more.
Enhanced strength: Yes I am now stronger.
Enhanced Senses: Yes I can hear better then when I was human. And my sight is much better then any humans.
Unnatural healing: Blood will heal all wounds quickly.
Flight: What am I a bird?
Shapeshifting: Nope at least not me
Psychic: Nope
Telekinesis: Like moving things with my mind? No but every vampire has a lure to them that draw pry into there arms. Or at least I think they do, I have it.
Weakness: Lets talk about what some people believe we vampires are weak to.
Stakes: A stake to the heart will kill most any thing.
Decapitation: And would you not die if you lost your head?
Sunlight: I can not go out in to the sun.
Drowning: And there is no longer a need to breath so no I can not drown.
Fire: Would you not die if you was set on fire?
Sliver: Weakness to silver is true.
Garlic: And no garlic will not work.
Holy objects: True holy burns and a lot of it can kill. But not many true holy things around any more.
Water: Running water is good for showers so no weakness there.
I have to let you in!: And no I do not have to be invited in but it would be rude to not ask no?
Info: I was human once a long time ago that is. I was born in England in what is now called Victorian times. Odd seeing as that has my name in it. I grew up like many others did. Poor my mother and father both worked but it was hard to get by at times. Like most I started work young and helped out. As I got older I guess you could say I got more beautiful. And one day a rich man offered me work in his home. Room bored meals and good pay. How could I say no? I should have known it was to good to be true. Maybe him fliting with me should have been a give away. Maybe the other girls that clung to him should have been another. And most of all the fact he never went out in the day. But for what ever reason I ignored it and did my job. But my days as a human where now numbered. And one night he looked into my eyes and I thought I was in love. Before I knew what was going on I was in his bed and he turned me that night. I was added to his collection of beautiful females. But I was not like the others. I call it coming to like I had been asleep and woke after a few days. For some reason I was not like them but I knew I had to predend to be. There also seemed to be a link and a pull to him now. But still it seemed not as bad as the others. It was hard to fake it but I did my best. One night was a hunter attacked. While the others raced to fight for him I raced away form the house. I am not sure how I got away to this day. Maybe luck was on my side for a change. But every one else or so I guess died that day. Yet I was still among the living if one could call what I am that. I often use my gift on men but not like he did. When I do not need to feed I just take money. When I do I have them bleed into a cup for me. I do not want to risk turns for that I am guessing was what brought the hunters on him. I am still on my own more cold then I once was. Maybe oneday I will find some one that can melt me and I want to be with. And maybe one day I shall find unicorns.