-The start-
Elizabeth was never a normal girl even though she does not remember it form the time she was a baby she could see ghosts. If there was one some place they went she would look off to that area. But her family thought nothing of it. As she got older her gift got stronger. Like most young children she had imaginary friends. Who knows how many children really played with ghosts but she did. And at a young age it was thought to be normal. But when those friends did not seem to go away as she past those years her family worried. She can remember being sat down and told that her friends are not real. And no matter how much she said "but they are" her parents would not believe her. They even got her into therapy started to make more play dates, and going to the park so she could make some real friends. It was at this point she pretended she no longer saw them. Cause no matter what any one said normal was she could still see them. As she got into her teenage years the gift grew stronger. She was now drawing ghosts and other spirits to her. But not all of them where nice, or good like the ones around her home when she was little. No some are dark and they hurt leaving marks on her. Now she had to play cover up. Falling, running into things anything she could think of to explain the marks on her. Wearing things to cover up the marks so she never had to explain them in the first place. It was at this point she started looking more into it. And found out so much more about the ghosts. She could even use the tools around her to find out who her friends where in life. The cases that got reported always seemed to be the ones where people got hurt. She joined paranormal groups on line and found ones in her area she could sneak away to. Being around others like her was nice. Some where the real nuts that needed that therapy she had. While others had been though something, seen something they could not explain. It was thanks to this she found a group that really went out and did 'ghost hunts'. They would set up gear and then after confirming the ghosts are there they would help to remove them.
-Becoming a ghost hunter-
She could not join the group till after high school and she turned eighteen. Her family did not like she was going back to something they thought they had fixed but she was an adult now and could do as she wished. Other on the team either had some kind of gift or was good at reading the gear read outs that other teams might have. She was the first that had such a strong gift. She could go into a home with no info of the ghost and come out saying what they looked like. It was the dark ones she reported on. And the good ones she wanted to help move on. Though it was nice to have her friends growing up. She knew they no longer belonged here and needed to move on. With the help of a website and youtube they where able to go all around the world hunting ghosts. The years seemed to fly by she started out a young teen and was watching her twenties fly by. But she was doing what she loved. Other then that she had no real life. She never met some one that she wanted to marry. And the team did not date each other, to easy to ruin the team that way. So she figured she would live her life and see where it took her. -Becoming a ghost, kind of?-She was now thirty and the team has new blood in it. Some of the ones she started with had left to start families and such. Some would even be on call for the more harder ones. She had been there long enough she was now the leader of the group. The oldest member still left. That was not on call that is. A job came in about a construction site, they where tearing down an old Asylum and the grounds to make way for something new. But that was when things started to happen and the crew was scared to even go on. It sounded like the ghosts of the ones that died there had gone dark common for a place like that. And did not want the home they knew gone. So she just packed up her team with no calls to any one it seemed simple enough. Do the check up see who was there, get names and such. And then help them move on. They now had ties with churches around the world. So at any time they could call in a priest to help out. She went in with the team they had all the normal things like cameras and a hand recorder. They each had little gift in something that would let them hear or see. But all this was for the youtube. She felt so many here as she walked around. She saw the normal ghosts that are stuck not doing any harm. And so many dark ones she was losing count. This was where she wished she did not go in all the way cold. She talked to her team having them leave the area to go and find out more about this place, how many they had here and how many died here if they could find it. This place was old but still there seemed to be way to many. Once she was alone in the building she would talk to the few good ones. They told her they where staying away form the basement. That they felt drawn and scared of it at the same time and that all the dark ones seemed to be there. She should have known better then to go alone. But she wanted to see what was drawing them. She found out the hard way it was a demon that was gathering souls to eat. This demon found it funny she was here and a ghost hunter. He wanted to watch her suffer so to speak. He cursed her pulling he soul out of her body. Not to eat no it would be more fun to see her be what she was hunting. Her body still alive on the floor. She left before her team found her body. She could not let one of them that could see, well see her. They had no idea what happened but with all the dark they figured one or more had done something to her.
- The after life?-
Her living body was taken to the hospital another ghost hot spot. No doctor could figure out what was wrong with her. Test after test showed noting. And priest after priest could do nothing for her. Finally the call in for all the old members even the ones not on call. It was then that one of the older ones, she had been the one to talk to about demons figured out what was kind of going on. The body had a mark on it and that mark held the demons powers. By the time they found this out the demon that had cursed her was gone. They all worked together to clear the building but that did not help with the demon. He was laughing at her visiting her saying how her friends can not help her now. And this was true this event brought every one out and working. And they would not give up. One working theory was if they could some how find the demon and kill him his curse would be broken. But that was easier said then done. When she finally left the room talking to the one that knew demons on what he looked like. They where working on finding demon hunters that might be able to help. But it was hard to watch her self and her friends work on her. The family she had now was them, the ones that helped her come into this world saw her as a nut job and no longer talked to her. She thought about haunting them but decided against it. So she just floats around maybe if she can run into others with the gift to see her, they can help. And maybe she will be stuck like this as her body grows weak and then really dies.