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Once upon a time in a land far away many years ago lived a beautiful girl. She was one of many children and a princess to the lands. She wanted for nothing other than maybe love. In this time and place not many hugs and words were said to make a child feel wanted needed. She was schooled and loved music the best playing gave her heart and mind an escape along with reading. Every now and then she would get to go in to the city and with each passing year she became that much more beautiful. Many wanted to marry her and many where out of her reach. She never seemed to notice and maybe she should have.

At this time a dark man came to want her. He would not come to the king and beg for her oh no. What he wanted he must have. He waited for his time and when she was out with her guard he and his men attacked. That day everything changed. The man took her far away his men where no mere men but changed into beast. The young princess was scared what could they want with her? Soon she would find out in his lair. She had no choice they never even asked her.

In a room with this man he changed her made her one of them and claimed her has his mate. She was unhappy she was his trophy nothing more. A prisoner to this pack she learned the new ways was made to bed with him nightly. Then she got tired of waiting for her hero to come and save her. While out with the other girls she found an herb that would help her get away. Slipping it into the leaders food and drink and waited that night her ‘mate’ fell into a sleep and she snuck away careful not to wake any of the others. She knew some where awake watching the lands and over the years she learned where they would be and stayed away from there. She knew her old home would not be safe and she was no longer human.

With a sadness like no other she knew she had to go far away some place she would never be found. Days turned into weeks and the tried women came to a port paid for passage in ways she would never want to say. In this new land she kept moving on and her life has been much like that for many years now. She still has no home and has no idea if others of her kind are like that pack that took her away. She still loves music and carries something on her to play for money. Now and then she takes to her wolf form and hunts lays low and listens for you never know what may be out there hunting this long forgotten princess.

Many years of being alone and going from place to place got her to an odd ranch. The husband and wife there are were wolves. And looking to make a pack. Simon and Ali ask her to join them as a member. She will have to learn how to take care of animals. Or help in the kitchen. Maybe helping to clean the house. And they are not like the beasts that changed her life forever. No they are kind caring and loving. Offer home and food to all who come across the lands. And that was how she found her self there in the first place. Tired of being on her own and felling like this was her home she joins them. Now a wolf of a land called Eagle County she looks forward to her time here and meting others that find there way here. People stoped coming around so she once again left out on her own.

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